Red Door Retreat – FB Group for Readers of Latrivia Welch’s Work

bwwm books

With nearly 500 members already (and we just started), I’m very proud to share with you a new way for us to talk about our favorite characters in the Medlov Crime Family, The Lonely Heart Series and The Agosto Family Series.  The Red Door Retreat was created to ensure that we could focus ONLY on the books I’ve written and your opinions on them.  Too often, we get too busy to attend events the way that we want to online.  However, the benefit of the Red Door Retreat is that the questions are posted 24 hours a day, 365 days a week and both myself and other fans answer them.

We’ve had some interesting conversations already, like how old is Dmitry and what is the age difference between Royal and Dmitry and why did Davyd have to die in Saving Anya.  Right now, we’re dissecting Gabriel’s Regret: Book Two (chapter-by-chapter) and talking about the things we want to see as readers in both men and women.

Overall, it’s just good fun with no rules, no drama and no filter.  I love it and the ladies love it as well.  I’m inviting you to come and join us. Click the link below and considering joining to share your thoughts.

Have a great Sunday.

Your biggest fan,

Latrivia Welch

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